TNPSC Online Test Batch 2025

TNPSC Daily Online Test - 12/02/2025

நமது ஆசிரியர்கள் தினமும் வினாக்களை புதிதாக தயாரித்து Online Test-களை நடத்துகின்றனர். உங்கள் நேரத்திற்கு தகுந்தாற்போல் வினாக்களை தேர்ந்தெடுத்து தேர்வினை எழுதவும்.

தினமும் நடைபெறும் Online Test அறிவிப்புகளை உடனுக்குடன் Telegram-ல் பெற, எங்களது Telegram Channel-ல் உடனே இணையுங்கள்.

If you are practicing for the TNPSC Group 4 exam, repeatedly practicing the question papers will make it easier to crack the exam. Therefore, our website offers more than 100 online tests for easy practice. These online tests are conducted separately for General Tamil and General Knowledge subjects, topic-wise. By practicing these online tests, you can assess how well you have learned a particular subject. After completing all the online tests, the number of questions you have practiced, the number of correct answers, the number of incorrect answers, and the total marks you have obtained will be displayed on the screen, allowing you to know your marks. All the details related to the online tests are provided in the following article.

TNPSC Group 4 Online Test Batch 2025:

Online tests required to practice for TNPSC Group 4 and VAO Exam are given batch by batch on our website. An online test will consist of 100 questions. Our website has more than 100 online test batches. Online test batches are given separately for each subject and subject topic. Every year more than 100 online test batches are created for your convenience. As the question papers or syllabus changes, the questions in the online test batches also change. Therefore, it is good to check the test batches on our website frequently. The table below gives the links to some online test batches.

TNPSC Group 4 Online Test for General Tamil Series:

General Tamil is considered the most important subject in TNPSC exams, as 150 questions are asked from this section alone. Therefore, if you choose to focus solely on General Tamil subjects, you can easily score high marks in TNPSC exams. To facilitate repeated practice of the General Tamil section, our website conducts online tests. More than 100 subject-wise online tests are available for General Tamil subjects. All the online tests are designed to show you the result screen once you have completed your practice. All you have to do is select specific subject topics and answer the questions to practice for online tests. The table below gives the online test topics for General Tamil.

TNPSC Group 4 Online Test for General Studies Series:

Online tests for General Knowledge are uploaded daily on our website, so if you want to practice new general knowledge questions, you need to click on the required topics daily and practice. General knowledge questions are structured in a multiple-choice format; that is, four answers are given to a question, out of which you have to choose the correct one. In this way, all the questions in the test should be answered. General knowledge questions cover all topics such as politics, sports, and current affairs; you have to choose the topic you need and practice. Current affairs questions are updated daily, so it is good to check General Knowledge Online Test Talks from time to time. The table below gives the online test topics for General Knowledge.

Online Test for Previous Year Question Paper:

The online test of the Question papers for the ongoing exams has been uploaded to our website. That is, we have uploaded the question papers for General Tamil and General Knowledge of all the TNPSC Group 4 exams conducted by the TNPSC Examination Department in the last 10 years in online test mode. Through this, you can easily practice the previous year's question papers in online test mode. By practicing our old question papers, you will get a clear idea about the repeated questions, subject topics, and subjects. The table below gives some of the previous year's question paper online tests.

Online Test for Model Question Paper 2025:

Online tests for model question papers are also uploaded on our website. Model question papers are compiled by experienced professors and a few specific coaching centers which they deem important. The teachers who prepare the model question papers carefully study the question papers of the previous year's exams and prepare a question paper package with important questions and topics; this is called a model question paper. Model question papers are available for both General Tamil and General Knowledge subjects. Choose your desired subject topic and practice the sample question papers. The table below gives the online test topics of some sample question papers.

FAQ about TNPSC Group 4 & VAO Exam Online Tests:

1. What is the TNPSC Group 4 Online Test?

The Group Four Online Test helps you to easily practice questions and to know your marks in the practice questions.

2. How many batches are created for online tests?

More than 100 speeches have been created on our website for Group 4 Online Tests. You can click on the batches you want and practice.

3. Which subjects is the TNPSC Group 4 Online Test given for?

The test is given separately for both General Tamil and General Knowledge. You can practice online tests by clicking on the subject topic you want to practice.

4. How many VAO online test series are there?

Our website has more than 100 online test series, each containing 100 questions. You can choose the test series you need and practice and check your answers.

5. How many online tests can you take in a day?

There are no restrictions on how many online tests you can take in a day. You can take as many as you want and you will receive instant feedback on the answers and scores for the questions you practice.

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I am a teacher, completed Msc., M.Phil., B.A., B.Ed., I am passionate about teaching and helping students to win their TNPSC Exams.

Never stop learning. If you stop learning. You stop growing.