TNPSC Group 4 Question Paper 2024 PDF Download in Tamil

When preparing for the TNPSC Group 4 exam, practicing more than one question paper will lead to success. It is best to take one question paper daily and practice it. TNPSC Group 4 Question Papers can generally be divided into two categories: Previous year Question papers or old question papers, and model question papers. Old Question Papers are a compilation of all the question papers of the last 10 years' exams. Model question papers are based on the Syllabus for the Group-4 exam, and include questions and topics that have been repeatedly asked in the exam, with emphasis placed on creating question papers. In this article, you can find detailed previous year's question papers and model question papers.

Previous Year Question Papers PDF Collection for Group 4 Exam:

The previous year's question papers are those of the already-conducted Group 4 examination. This refers only to the official examinations conducted by the Tamil Nadu Government Staff Selection Commission and not to exams conducted by other coaching centers or mock exams. If you want to easily crack the Group-4 exam, you must study the past 10 years' past exam question papers. This will allow you to identify which subjects questions are asked from and which topics are given importance. You can then select important topics and questions while studying. The list of question papers for the last 10 years' exam is available on our website. Use it to practice for the exam. The table below gives the set of question papers for the last 10 years.

PDF Collection of Model Question Papers for TNPSC Group 4 Exams:

Model question papers are not officially released by the TNPSC exam center; they are jointly developed by experienced professors and coaching centers working in the field of examination. These sample question papers will help you to practice for the exam, and previous year question papers are available for a maximum of 10 years only. If you practice one paper every day, you will finish the question papers in ten days. Therefore, model question papers are prepared for you to practice for a long time. More than 100 model question papers have been uploaded on our website, prepared by various professors and various coaching centers. Similar to the previous year's question papers, the model question papers have been prepared with an emphasis on the syllabus and specific topics and questions. The table below provides a PDF collection of more than 100 sample question papers.

Group 4 General Tamil Question Paper PDF Download:

General Tamil is a very important subject for TNPSC Group 4 Exams. If you have completed your school and college studies in Tamil medium, scoring high marks in this subject is relatively easy. Furthermore, if you hold certificates of completion of school and college studies in Tamil medium, you will be given certain privileges. General Tamil questions will only be related to Tamil subjects and will be in Tamil language only, not in other languages. More than a hundred General Tamil model question papers are uploaded on our website. You can choose the topics you need and download the question papers in PDF format. The table below gives the topic-wise question papers for General Tamil subjects; you can download and use the ones you need.

Group 4 General Knowledge Question Paper PDF Download:

More than one hundred model question papers for General Knowledge are available on our website. Additionally, the last ten years' old question papers are available for General Knowledge. There are separate question papers for each topic in the General Knowledge subject on our website. In General Knowledge, not only subject-related questions but also questions related to politics, sports, and current affairs will be asked. Questions about political sports' current events are not static; new questions are added daily. Therefore, it is best to download and practice General Knowledge Question Papers daily. The updated set of General Knowledge Question Papers is given in the table below. You can download and use the question papers as per your requirement.

  1.  சார்லி சாப்பிளினுக்கு வாழ்நாள் சாதனையாளர் என்னும் வகையில் வழங்கப்பட்ட விருது
  2. A. கோல்டன் குளோப்
    B. ஆஸ்கார்
    C. பிரவு டு ஆஃப் அமெரிக்கா
    D. கோல்டர் வேர்ல்டு
    Answer:  ஆஸ்கார்

  3.  உழவர் என்னும் தமிழ்ச்சொல் இடம்பெறும் பழந்தமிழ் நூல் _______
  4. A. நற்றிணை
    B. குறுந்தொகை
    C. கலிக்தொகை
    D. அகநானூறு
    Answer:  நற்றிணை

  5.  குரலாகும் என்னும் சொல்லைப் பிரித்து எழுதக் கிடைப்பது ______.
  6. A. குரல்+ யாகும்
    B. குரல் + ஆகும்
    C. குர+ லாகு
    D. குர+ ஆகும்
    Answer:  குரல் + ஆகும்

  7.  ஆனந்த் வேளாண் பல்கலைக்கழகம் எங்குள்ளது?
  8. A. டெல்லி
    B. மும்பை
    C. குஜராத்
    D. கொல்கத்தா
    Answer:  குஜராத்

  9.  ஒருயிரின் இரண்டு தலைகள் என்பன …………………
  10. A. அறிவும் அழகும்
    B. வாழ்வும் தாழ்வும்
    C. ஆணும் பெண்ணும்
    D. பிறப்பும் இறப்பும்
    Answer:  ஆணும் பெண்ணும்

  11.  வானில் _____ கூட்டம் திரண்டால் மழை பொழியும்.
  12. A. அகில்
    B. முகில்
    C. துகில்
    D. துயில்
    Answer:  முகில்

  13.  ஐங்குறுநூற்றினைத் தொகுப்பித்தவர் ___________
  14. A. மாந்தரஞ் சேரலிரும்பொறை
    B. புலத்துறை முற்றிய கூடலூர்கிழார்
    C. பாண்டியன் பெருவழுதி
    D. கடலுள் மாய்ந்த இளம்பெருவழுதி
    Answer:  மாந்தரஞ் சேரலிரும்பொறை

  15.  ”முருகு உறழ் முன்பொடு
    கடுஞ்சினம் செருக்கிப் பொருத யானை” – என்ற நற்றிணை பாடல்களில் வெளிப்படும் தொன்மம் உணர்த்தும் செய்தி
  16. A. யானையின் போர் – முருகனின் வீரம்
    B. காதல் தோல்வி
    C. தலைவன் மரணம்
    D. தலைவி வருத்தம்
    Answer:  யானையின் போர் – முருகனின் வீரம்

  17.  பொருந்தா இணையை தேர்ந்தெடு
  18. A. தூ-- அன்பு
    B. தே-- கடவுள்
    C. தை-- தைத்தல்
    D. நா-- நாவு
    Answer:  தூ-- அன்பு

  19.  ஜலாலுத்தீன் ரூமி ………………… மிகச் சிறந்த கவிஞர்களில் ஒருவர்
  20. A. கிரேக்கத்தின்
    B. பாரசீகத்தின்
    C. ஆப்பிரிக்காவின்
    D. பாரதத்தின்
    Answer:  பாரசீகத்தின்

Group 4 question paper tamil and English download in pdf format 2024:

Generally, we have uploaded the question papers in PDF format on our website. The PDF format is fixed and cannot be easily changed by anyone else; the page sizes and font sizes within it will remain constant. The question papers are available in both Tamil and English languages and can be downloaded in PDF format. If you need, we can convert the question papers into Word format as well; however, it is not necessarily your choice. Not only the question papers, but the study materials Books are also available in PDF format. The question papers available on the official website are also in PDF format.

FAQ about TNPSC Group 4 Exam Question Papers:

1. What are the previous year's question papers?

The TNPSC Group 4 Exam Question Papers that have already been conducted are known as Previous Year Question Papers. A collection of the last 10 years' question papers has been uploaded to our website.

2. What are model question papers?

Model question papers are not officially published by the examination department. TNPSC Group 4 model question papers are developed by experienced professors in the field and some specific coaching centers. More than 100 model question papers have been uploaded to our website.

3. What formats can the question papers be downloaded in?

Old question papers and model question papers can be downloaded from our websites in PDF format. If you need to contact us, we can also send you question papers in Word format.

4. In which languages are Group 4 question papers available?

TNPSC Group 4 Question Papers are available in both Tamil and English languages; however, the question papers for General Tamil subjects are only available in the Tamil language. General Knowledge Question Papers are available in both Tamil and English languages.

5. Previous year question papers are available for how many years?

Previous year question papers for the group 4 exam are available for the last 10 years. You can select your required year and subject and download the required ones.

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I am a teacher, completed Msc., M.Phil., B.A., B.Ed., I am passionate about teaching and helping students to win their TNPSC Exams.

Never stop learning. If you stop learning. You stop growing.