You can use study materials to study and practice for Group 4 and VAO exams conducted by the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission. The study materials book contains everything, such as General Tamil, General Knowledge, and Model Question Papers. Therefore, you must practice the study materials before the exam. All the study materials on our website have been prepared by teachers with more than ten years of experience. All the questions presented here are very important. There is no one-size-fits-all blueprint for creating study materials. Study materials and books are prepared to focus on the subjects, topics, questions, etc. which have been repeated in previous exams. This article explains in detail where to get the study material, how to download it, and the benefits of studying it.
If you want to easily crack the Group-4 exam, then you need to practice the best study materials repeatedly. Choosing the best study materials is a straightforward process. Books from which questions are frequently asked in the exam should be given importance. These books are generally available in both Tamil and English for all students. You can download the required study material and make use of it. The table below provides the set of study materials to study to easily crack the TNPSC Group 4 and VAO Exam.
For those who are preparing for the Group 4 and VAO exams, the files in PDF format will be very helpful for practice. Everything from the Syllabus to the exam results for the Group 4 exam is available in PDF format on our website. This includes the exam Notification, syllabus, admit card, study materials, books, and exam results. Books and study materials are uploaded on our website for you to download course-wise PDF formats on individual topics. The following table provides a collection of some study materials in PDF format.
The TNPSC Group 4 exam is practiced in two languages, Tamil and English, and the exam is written in the same language. The General Tamil subject area will be in Tamil language only. All the study materials and books for this course are only available in Tamil language. However, all the study materials and books for General Knowledge are available in both Tamil and English languages. You can download and read them in your desired language. The choice of language for all TNPSC exams is your personal choice. However, if you have school and college completion certificates in the Tamil language, you will get certain privileges. The table below lists the study materials for the Group 4 exam practice in both Tamil and English languages separately.
General Tamil is the most important subject in TNPSC Group 4 Exams, as 150 marks are available from this course alone. The collection of the most important questions, subject topics, and Question papers in Tamil is referred to as Study Materials. You can easily crack the exam if you practice the study material. All the study material available on our website has been compiled by highly experienced professors based on previous exam question papers and topics. The most important general Tamil material is presented in the table below.
The General Knowledge subject is of secondary importance in TNPSC Group 4 Exams. Study materials for General Knowledge are available in both Tamil and English languages and PDF format. The study materials for General Knowledge subjects are not fixed like the General Tamil Syllabus, as General Knowledge covers politics, sports, world news, and current events. Therefore, we will keep updating the study materials related to General Knowledge daily. You can easily crack the exam if you read the updated study materials. There is also a facility to download General Knowledge study materials in PDF format for your convenience. The table below is the updated set of study materials in PDF format.
Our website has separate study materials for General Tamil and General Knowledge, organized by subject. You can download the study material by clicking on your desired course topic.
Study materials for the TNPSC Group 4 exam are available in two formats: PDF and Word, on our website. You can download the study materials by selecting the format you need.
TNPSC Group 4 study materials are available in two languages: Tamil and English. You can choose your desired language and download the study materials.
All official school textbooks published by the Tamil Nadu Government Textbook Corporation are listed separately on our website by class and subject.
Common Tamil and general knowledge books are provided separately in PDF format on our website, as well as study material.
I am a teacher, completed Msc., M.Phil., B.A., B.Ed., I am passionate about teaching and helping students to win their TNPSC Exams.
Never stop learning. If you stop learning. You stop growing.